Buddhism and Hindusim Graphic Print Clothing and Accessories

Buddha's Enlightenment T-shirt and Men's Sacred Geometry Flower of Life Leggings with Chakra Mala Gemstone Necklace

Shop Buddhism and Hinduism Graphic Clothing and Accessories Because You Have Enlightened Style!

Below you’ll find Buddhist and Hindu Clothing and Accessories featuring designs with the Buddha, Chakras, Sacred Geometry. For example, the Buddha’s Enlightenment design features the Tibetan Buddha in a pose indicative of Mudras, while the symbol of Ohm behind him hints at Mantra– his chakras glow and spin in a healthy manner indicative of Kundalini Rising, and the Flower of Life Halo behind his crown chakra and head hints at achieving enlightenment. I’m wearing the Men’s Flower of Life Leggings and my Mala Chakra Gemstone Necklace, available by made-to-order request and coming soon to the shop and Etsy.

The Flower of Life Leggings, Shorts, Joggers, Hoodies, and Sweatshirts pair perfectly with any Chakra, Buddha, or Sacred Geometry Graphic T-shirt and make the perfect Yoga Outfit for Athletic Wear.

The colors and shapes of the chakras, when combined with gemstones, yoga, mudras, mantras, and meditation or prayer can help and align and charge the chakras and boost the power of meditation, prayer, and intention setting.