Witchy Style: Witchcraft and Wicca Accessories, Apparel, and Home.

Witchy Style: Witchcraft, Wicca, Magick and Occult Graphic Apparel Accessories and Mugs.

Old Hill Cemetery Salem MA, Witchy Style, I'm Not Wiccapedia Graphic T-shirt

I designed this collection of witchy clothing, accessories, and items for the home, such as mugs for those who believe in Magick, and practice Wicca or Witchcraft. The artwork is inspired by a combination of my studies into the occult, divination, spirituality, Wicca, and Witchcraft. There are areas that overlap between magick, the religious and divinatory: for example, the Tarot connects the tools of witchcraft and the magician or witch with the Kabbalah or Jewish Mysticism, and Christianity adopted and modified many pagan traditions, holidays, and practices in its quest to make its faith more easily accepted.

The symbolism in my artwork has always combined the occult, spiritual, and religious with some of my own personal symbols- ever since I was a teenager, I’d draw and paint using the Roman numerals of the tarot mixed in with biblical imagery, and that’s representative of my Auric Wear collection as well. Because of the overlap of topics of spirituality and Occult Symbolism, you’ll notice themes and motifs associated with Kabbalah, Tarot and the Psychical arts, Wicca and Witchcraft, Sacred Geometry, as well as religious symbolism because let’s face it, nothing gets witchier than religion!

There are also spiritual and magickal benefits to wearing Auric Wear- colors, symbols, and gemstones are shown to improve your practice and faith, intention, and workings. Visit Benefits of Auric Wear Chakra Therapy, Crystal Healing, and Aroma Therapy Products to learn more.